08 November 2014

Music player script

Warning: script in this article depricated (check MusPlayer page for new), but video still useful for peoples who don't understand how it's working.

So... It's just version 1.0, possible I'll update it in future, but even now it's looks sooo terrible (lol), you just look on that code, someone with knowledge of scripting can understand something here? :P Anyway I made API what allow us create scripts which just storing data of music, but they will not work without player. Just simple example how you can use it:
s_info={["type"]="music",["name"]="My music script",["author"]="Aroch",["temp"]=120}
function r()
return "t120 o5 a1c2d2f8g2e8d1a2a2f1",
"t120 o4 a1d2c2f8f2e8a1d2e2g1"
Ok, what we have here? Table s_info with properties type, name, author, temp you don't need change this names, but you can change "My music script", "Aroch", 120. Also we have function r() which returning strings with our notes for each channel, in this example we have 2 channels, you can use not more than 8. And another important things, data scripts must be saved before player script (better put player script in last slot).
Type in chat "next", "prev", "try again" for controls. (or you can use this command by menu)
Misspelled in video, out = means our.


  1. Recorded video with a bit explanations, encoding atm, will added later.
    Also guys i need feedback how it's work on slow pc, my weak point of player it's syncronizing between songs, on my pc it's working more or less fine.

  2. hey man everytime i try and put the music player in i get (line 111. line 124, line 121, and line 118 attempt to call global 'y' (a nil value) and i can't get the music to play :/

    1. Check line 10 and 11, and why you using version 1.0 when 1.041 exist already?

  3. I can explain how you did everything with cubes?

    1. Did you mean how use it? Here someone explained it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dfqVfbs1tQ#t=85
      You need do same only with musplayer script.

    2. OK. I managed! Not to make them fly while playing music and cube light?

    3. Why not, you can use fly script in same time.

    4. Did you read it? http://aionmusic.blogspot.ru/2014/10/animated-boxes-script.html
