28 January 2015

FF7 - Tifa's Theme

Styben Serrano asked on forum, both version with sound volume info for each note (anyone post link with ingame video).

Script: FF7 - Tifa's Theme (standalone version)
Script: FF7 - Tifa's Theme (for MusPlayer)

22 January 2015

NotesConvertor 1.39.1 released! (updated 26.01)

Whats new:

  • Added tips for checkboxes in export window.
  • Possible export script with sound volume for each note.
  • Few additional options in export window. (useless for Aion actually)
  • 26.01: Fixed bug with infinity loop which appeared in 1.39 version (leading program to hang)
  • 26.01: Percussion exporting like "x<1/length>"

20 January 2015

Short test again... (completed)

As someone can noticed ima added velocity info in last two of my scripts, and i would to ask for record ingame video or just sound with two scripts below:

Aion - Forgotten Sorrow (standalone version with volume info for notes)

Aion - Forgotten Sorrow (standalone version withOUT volume info for notes)

Full version of script (almost 4mins length) will added after test :P Sense of this test is to find out is worth to add information of the sound volume or not.

added: video with sound volume info by Ramielle, video without sound volume info.

Сonclusion: with volume info sounds a little better but it's not so important atm, so I decided to think how implement instruments for editing notes volume (most easy variant it's just right click on note and select in popup menu, need something for more faster editing, probably just hot keys + visual info..).

Aion - Wings Of The Knight

Script: Aion - Wings Of The Knight (standalone version)
Singer: Olga Yakovleva (Origa)

or you can listen version with orchestra here.

Rest in peace Olga...

She was amazing singer...Q_Q

Script: Aion - The Still Sad World (standalone version)
Music: Inro Joo
Singer: Olga Yakovleva (Origa)

19 January 2015

NotesConvertor 1.30 released! (updated to 1.30.2)

Whats new:

  • Added popup menu for scale's presets.
  • Added background color for log's messages. (Red/Orange means Error/Warning)
  • Fixed Ctrl + Shift + Scroll didn't changed scale (ver. 1.30.1).
  • Fixed importing from mml, tag "l1." recognized incorrect (ver. 1.30.2).
  • Improved algorithm for exporting in .lua (ver. 1.30.2).

About export in current version:
  • You can select which type of script you want, standalone or for musplayer.
  • You can select version as is without encoding (size of script will be increased), probably with a small edits you can use it in another games which support mml too, for example ArcheAge
  • You can choose specific part of track which you want to export, no need delete notes more.

Also a "short" video about creation multipart scripts in current version:

16 January 2015

NotesConvertor, version 1.29 (available for testers only)

Whats new:

  • Fixed bug with text in menu. 
  • Fixed bugs with multiselection. 
  • Added helper lines while you dragging note. 
  • Added +half length for notes
  • Added import from mml text format (really simple version), supporting only:
 t<number> - set temp, u can setup temp once

 o<number> - set octave, u must specific octave for each new line  (number: 1-9)

 < - +1 to current octave, for example: o5 a1<b1 same as o5a1o6b1

 > - -1 to current octave, for example: o5 a1>b1 same as o5a1o4b1

 v<number> - set velocity (number: 0-10)

15 January 2015

Bakemonogatari - Kimi no Shiranai Monogatari

It's really amazing theme, I made this script while played Aion but wasn't satisfied with result in game (yeap, cause in scripts was error about I'm talked in prev. my post). As result I only uploaded video and didn't published it on blog. So if you'll share video with this script in comments I would appreciate it :) Also you can check code in mml format (Aion version) here, maybe will useful for someone.

Video with depricated version of script:

Scripts (MusPlayer required): part01, part02, part03

14 January 2015

Error catched in scripts

Sorry to all, it's was really stupid error, in lua then you typing for example 3/2 result will 1.5 and I knew about it (it's common thing for languages with dynamic typing), but if you write string.rep("some string", 1.5) result will "some stringsome string" as you see it's repeated twice! Cause in lua float to integer working like int new_value = int(value + 0.5f) (in c/c++). You can fix your scripts easy, if you see this string in your scripts:
function s(n)return("r1"):rep(n/32)..("r32"):rep(n%32)end
or this string:
function s(n)return("r1"):rep(n/16)..("r16"):rep(n%16)end
change it to:
function s(n)return("r1"):rep(math.floor(n/32))..("r32"):rep(n%32)end
and respectively to:
function s(n)return("r1"):rep(math.floor(n/16))..("r16"):rep(n%16)end

NotesConvertor is going to be updated with that fix later.

FLCL - Little Busters

Nope, I didn't come back in game and I dont sure about correct work of this script :) But high chance what it's will work fine. fixed version.

Scripts: part01, part02

06 January 2015

Minor update for NotesConvertor, version 1.02

Change Log (1.02):

  • Redraw 1/32 notes, looks more noticeable atm.
  • Redraw "start" and "end" track's markers on timeline.
  • Added lock option in menu for timeline (Edit->Change->Lock [timeline]), just for avoid missclicks which happens sometimes. 
  • Fixed few misspells in logs messages and added info about script file size in bytes after export.
  • Esc hotkey was changed, just unselect notes now.