06 January 2015

Minor update for NotesConvertor, version 1.02

Change Log (1.02):

  • Redraw 1/32 notes, looks more noticeable atm.
  • Redraw "start" and "end" track's markers on timeline.
  • Added lock option in menu for timeline (Edit->Change->Lock [timeline]), just for avoid missclicks which happens sometimes. 
  • Fixed few misspells in logs messages and added info about script file size in bytes after export.
  • Esc hotkey was changed, just unselect notes now.


  1. Hello, I just wanted to inform you that I downloaded the new version, but do not see the menu, I hope to settle down in the new version.
    Thank you so much for your work!
    screen: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3OeyfOtOfFcR2xKWmRDRUx1ZGM/edit

    1. Hi, cant see screenshot, you need set permission for share it with everyone. And if you can see log window, what GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE value?

    2. GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE 8192, also the first version to that value and the menu is seen

    3. I see, no russians text in menu cause you using not cyrilic locale (actually you no need worring about it, it's will fixed in next update)... but for that situation program must set english languge by default. Only for 3 contries (Russia, Belarus and Kazahstan) russian language choisen by default.
      Anyway for current version you can select english language in menu and all will fine.

      Try like on this screenshot:

    4. for information: even if I select the language not see the menu, wait for the new version :) (I have yet to decide the song to put on aion XD)

    5. Really strange :) Ok, hope it's will work fine in next version. Probably in end of week, will be added a lot new cool things in exporter window.
