14 February 2016

Final Fantasy VI - Terra's Theme

 Another theme from Final Fantasy, for people who didn't played it like I am. This theme not about Earth :) Terra it's just a name of main character.  Karen who requested this theme described her as:

She was brainwashed by the empire to be new weapon magic
She doesn't know anyone anything or where she come from
She got no friend at all
I would say for those who lost their way in their lifes will find this inspriation
I don't know Terra is pretty lost in her life in the beginning too

Piano version:

Instrumental version:


  1. Muy buen trabajo.

    Pero no consiguo que el tema Final Fantasy VI Terra instrumental funcione.

    Copio el scritp en dos partes pero la musica no empieza. En cambio con otros scrips que tienen varias partes no he tenido ningun problema

    1. Any errors? Check version of MusPlayer also. And if you got "Script too large for apply bla bla" message and playing on gameforge... so it's gameforge issue happened after one update in past.

  2. Replies
    1. You should describe a problem if you hope on help.

  3. Hi

    The links don't work for me it said: The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable.
    Please try again later.
    Can you correct it please? I really like the instrumental version.

    1. Redone instrumental version and uploaded on google drive. Perhaps will sounds a little bit different than on video, but almost same.

    2. Hi
      Thanks for the fast reply, but i have problem again :( I downloaded from google driver and when i opened it looks: (" !#$%&'8'#$9)#$)#$B#$)#$=JK>J)M)#$)#$B#$)#$B#$)#$DK>J)M)#$)#$ i downloaded luna edit but still looks like this :/

    3. What is luna edit? Just download zip archive on your hdd, then unzip it. And then open each file by any text editor, I'm using Notepad++.

    4. And line what you put in comment it's just small part of script, you need to copy paste whole script.

    5. It's too long :( i'm really sad i can't use this music hope i find another awesome music .
      Thank you for your help!

    6. Actually it's working fine, check the "Questions?" page for fix your issue.

    7. Added both versions in archive which was used in videos.

  4. Replies
    1. Just use link on google drive, same scripts inside.

    2. GDrive link is broken too.

    3. Use link on main page for all published scripts.

  5. Updated piano version. If you like to see the others scripts with same fix, just tell which one then.
