18 August 2016

Takeharu Ishimoto - The Price of Freedom and ef ~ A Tale of Melodies - Two, Only Two

Multi-instrumental script of composition The Price of Freedom from the game Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. And pure piano script of theme Two, Only Two from the anime ef ~ A Tale of Melodies, which have a lot of nice music and maybe a few of them will published someday also.

Takeharu Ishimoto - The Price of Freedom:

ef ~ A Tale of Melodies - Two, Only Two:


  1. pls, I copy and try to paste the code, but it doesnt happen, I am trying the price of freedon part 1.
    I copy the thing, and paste.. but nothing happenes, it looks like i cant paste this code o.o

    1. You need MusPlayer script too, just read question page and watch tutorial "how setup musplayer" if you never used it before. And better use last version of musplayer (2.01).

    2. Almost forgot, you need 1 and 2 parts, not only 1. Just put part 1 in one script slot and part 2 in another script slot.

    3. thank you very much :D done, i loved it. thank you <3
