09 January 2017

Tutorial: Making multiparts scripts

Run NotesConvertor and open your project which you did before
or import from midi file
File>Import from...>.midi
Anyway I'm suppose you already have project what you tuned well without out channels notes and another errors. It's not a subject of this tutorial.

On next step we should try to export whole track to lua script
File>Export to...>.lua (Aion's script)
In appeared window, set Volume to Original if you want and click "Copy script to clipboard"
Export to .lua (Aion's script) window (clickable)

Let's check the log
Log window after we tryed export whole track (clickable)
6254 bytes... too much for aion, but we can split it on two parts, open "Export to .lua" window again if you closed it already. And choice Part #1
Multiparts>Part #1 (clickable)
Also we should turn on "Use track markers" checkbox
Use track markes - ON (clickable)
Just move "Export to .lua" window away or minimize it, we will need it later. And now time to set first track mark. it's will "start mark". Just click left mouse button on 0:0 timeline
Start mark for part #1 (left mouse click)
In fact it should be in a default position, but who knows, maybe you'll missclicked accidentally before, so just check it out and set if necessary.

What about "end mark"? It's more complex step, you should find right position on timeline and click right mouse button. Sounds easy enough, but what it's right position? It's position where zero notes will cuted by vertical line below cursor, just look on next picture:
End mark for part #1 (right mouse click) (clickable)
As you see red doted line didn't crossed any notes. Otherwise you will cut that notes, it's acceptable but quality will be worse. Ok we put 'start' and 'end' marks on timeline, just click "copy script to clipboard" button in "expot to .lua" window and check the log
Log window after we copied part #1 (clickable)
4196 bytes, looks like acceptable, but check it in Aion too be sure. If game tell you, what that script too long still, just set 'end mark' on another position and try copy-paste script again until length of script will be acceptable by game.

After you done with part #1, you can make part #2. Set 'start' mark after 'end' mark from part #1 like on picture below
Start mark for part #2 (left click mouse)
Because most amount of notes was saved in first part of script we can easily save rest of them in second part. And we no need to search for best position for 'end mark', just remove 'end mark' from timeline by double right mouse click on timeline. Don't forget to select part #2 in "Export to .lua" window.
Multiparts>Part #2 (clickable)
And click "Copy script to clipboard" once again. Check "Log" window to be sure
Log window after we copied part #2 (clickable)
Just 2929bytes, perfect.

P.S. For paste your script in game after you copied it in clipboard just press 'ctrl' + 'v'. 
Also check in log "channels" amount for each part. It's should be same. If some part of scripts have less channels than rest of them, you should increase amount of channels to same value. You can add note on track and set velocity 1 to that note, after just copy that note in same position until you get right channels amount.

If you still have questions, ask freely in comments.


  1. Hi, i'm really really bad in using programs.. beside.. i don't even find it; can you please please pretty please do this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoenCvRZTTU ? :S :D

    1. Is not exist a good MP3 to MIDI software. Only musicians can do it properly. And I'm not.
